Thursday, July 22, 2004

Bread & Circuses & Beer

Coors and Molson have announced their intention to merge.  Meanwhile, Pete Coors, familiar to sports TV viewers from years of Coors commercials, is running for Senator from Colorado.

There are many less palatable political platforms than free beer for everyone.  It benefits politicians too: Keep the population plastered and they're unlikely to rise up against you.

3:05:25 PM    


The complete report of the independent 9/11 commission is now available for download.  An Executive Summary is also available.  I'm surprised there's no Cliff's Notes version for the occupant of the Oval Office

But why would anybody want to read any of these?  A global search of the text does not reveal the name Lewinsky.

The phrase in the report that everybody in the media has seized on is "failure of imagination."  What failure of imagination?  The Bush regime had no trouble whatsoever imagining weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.

1:59:23 PM