Friday, July 30, 2004

The Fat Lady Sings

NPR's All Things Considered is continuing its series on a year in the life of aspiring diva Maria Jooste:

[Anchorman Robert] Siegel traces Jooste's successes -- and setbacks as she learns that a stellar voice may not guarantee stardom or even a part.  The opera world is changing, and Jooste's weight, more than 300 pounds, is proving to be an obstacle to her dream.

At one point, Jooste considers having gastric bypass surgery to reduce her weight.

This drastic alternative to trendy low-carb diets includes stapling the stomach to reduce its size.  For those lacking health insurance, it can be performed as outpatient surgery in Staples stores.

10:56:21 PM    

Trash Mouth Politics

Apart from the Republican Convention at the end of August, the most eagerly awaited televised event of this political season will be the presidential and vice-presidential debates.

But an even more compelling event would be a debate between the incumbent Vice President and the First Lady-in-Waiting.  It would have the great virtue of brevity:

Heinz Kerry: Shove it, Dick.

Cheney: Fuck off, Teresa.

Moderator: And that's all the goddamn time we have for tonight's debate.  To hell with both of you.

It could be the first-ever prime time debate broadcast exclusively by HBO.

5:42:09 PM