Friday, July 23, 2004

Urbs & Burbs

According to the NY Times' Richard W. Stevenson, writing from Detroit:

Mr. Bush's appearance here before the National Urban League was hastily scheduled by the White House last week after the president turned down an invitation to speak to the annual convention of the NAACP.  Mr. Bush has said he declined because of hostility expressed by NAACP leaders.

Acknowledging that his party "has got a lot of work to do" before it can win over a group that has voted overwhelmingly for Democrats in the past and that polls show intends to do so again, Mr. Bush suggested that there was discontent among African-Americans with Democrats.  Republicans, he said, represent a viable and attractive alternative.

The Republicans hope to peel off just enough of the black vote, plus a few percentage points from other traditional Democratic constituencies like Latinos, to squeak through the election.  Meanwhile, Bush is likely to spend less time appearing before the Urban League and more addressing his base in the Suburban League.

6:50:20 PM