Monday, July 26, 2004

Consider The Source

Many of the commercials that ran during the Tour de France broadcasts featured Lance Armstrong himself.

But when it comes to tennis, Karl Rove apparently thinks all fans of the sport are Republicans, or at least swing voters.  He ran attack ads against Kerry throughout this weekend's tournaments.

Thanks to Senators McCain and Feingold, the commercials are now preceded by the notification,  "I'm George W. Bush, and I approved this message," rendering them even more ridiculous.

For truth-in-advertising, how about this TV spot, over footage of flag-draped coffins?: "I'm George W. Bush, and I approved this war."

11:28:40 AM    

Domesticating Saddam

According to Michael Howard in the Guardian:

Saddam Hussein is spending his time in solitary confinement writing poetry, gardening, reading the Qur'an and snacking on American muffins and cookies.

Sounds like Saddam would make the perfect cellmate for Martha Stewart. 

11:26:51 AM