Saturday, July 31, 2004

Dope is on the way

With the start of the Olympics only two weeks away, athletes are getting in trouble just for talking about drugs, as Lisa Dillman describes in the LA Times:

In the past, Australian swimmer Ian Thorpe has expressed doubt about the sport's being drug-free, but his latest comments drew a heated response from FINA, the international governing body of swimming.

"For anyone to think that they're swimming at a clean Olympics, they'd be naive," Thorpe, who won three gold medals at the 2000 Sydney Games, told an Australian TV network. "Of course I've swum against athletes that have been on drugs."

FINA issued a statement Wednesday from its headquarters in Lausanne, Switzerland, saying: "FINA strongly condemns such attitude as it is not acceptable that all the swimmers, including Thorpe's teammates participating at the Olympic Games are accused, without any sustainable evidence that they may 'have been on drugs.' "

Memo from FINA to Thorpe: This is your mouth on drugs.

10:40:17 AM