Tuesday, September 07, 2004

It don't mean a thing if it ain't got that swing

The steady barrage of fundraising e-mail I've been getting from Barbara Boxer's senatorial campaign is growing ever more shrill and paranoid.

The latest one is entitled "Prepare for the attacks from Bill Jones":

Just this week, Bill Jones promised his right-wing supporters that he'll be launching a "hard-hitting TV ad campaign" to "expose Barbara's radical record" -- in other words, he's going to be doing everything he can to distort her record of accomplishment on behalf of California's families and children.  And he's pledged $2 million of his own fortune to put these attack ads on the air.

No one is taking California for granted -- not even John Kerry.  As Barbara's race with Bill Jones has gotten tighter, John Kerry's advantage over George Bush has also narrowed.  That's why Senator Kerry is returning to California for several important campaign appearances.

No he's not, not if he has any sense.  Kerry has no more chance of losing California to Bush than Boxer does of losing to Jones -- as the LA Times points out:

Support from Bush — which seems tepid at best — won't do Jones much good in a state where only two of five likely voters say they back the president. And though a public embrace from Schwarzenegger, whose job-approval rating stands above 60%, might help, the freshman governor so far has kept Jones at arm's length.

Both the Kerry and Bush teams would do well to confine their campaigning to the swing states, while relegating the blue and red states to fundraising.

Then, whoever wins the election can be crowned the King of Swing, while the blue and red states secede from the USA and elect their own leaders, just as the blue and grey states once did.

12:19:34 PM