Tuesday, September 21, 2004

Travel Advisory

I’ll be traveling for the next ten days and am not enough of a computer geek to have figured out yet how to upload to this site while on the road.

In the interim, if you want to find out whether Dan Rather’s resignation from CBS is likely to be written in a proportionally-spaced font or by hand, there are plenty of bloggers who will beat that subject into submission..

From sunset on Friday until sunset on Saturday, I’ll be celebrating Yom Kippur, the Jewish day of atonement, with my family. Unlike Catholics, who must go to confession regularly if they want absolution for their sins, Jews get it all done in a single day each year, after which they’re free to resume screwing their fellow man -- and woman. This may explain why there are so many Jewish producers and agents in Hollywood.

Judgement by the Almighty is a pervasive theme of the Yom Kippur prayers, but Judaism doesn’t have an explicit concept of Dante-esque eternal damnation. It’s sort of implied and off-stage, like John Edwards during the Kerry campaign. "Hell," as Jean-Paul Sartre wrote in No Exit, "is other people."

9:43:05 AM