When and Where Does This Real World Begin?
The only true currency in this bankrupt world is what you share with someone else when you're uncool.
The Adventures of Kim & Troy
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Saturday, August 07, 2004

Sorry to all who have been missing the visual stimulation of photos on our blog. Troy is much better at logging things on our site than I am.

I figure that our ride across the great state of corn, I mean Iowa, would be a good time to bring back the photography. I have yet to get my photos back, since I didn't bring the digital camera, but thanks to the many great shots my Dad got along the way, I can share some with you early.
And so I give you...Team Joy Ride 2004

(From left)Nancy, Tom, Kevin, Kim, Troy, Cheryl, (bottom) Kathy & Adam
12:30:36 PM  permanent link  Reader Comments []  Google It!

The need to be lazy. [posted by Troy] This morning is the first Saturday in about 8 weeks that we've actually been able to sleep in a bit in our own bed. Being home on a Saturday is such a novelty. BUT, I am about to start working on a class I'm teaching this fall. I've been trying to find time to plan this class all summer, but I just haven't been able to fit it in. So what am I doing? I'm doing some work on my only free Saturday morning. One of the underlying moral codes of our country is the protestant work ethic, basically we work so hard so that we stay out of trouble. Or, just a simple belief that work is good and laziness is bad. Not all cutltures share this belief, and there are some that would argue that work has made the US and the UK pretty unhappy. OK, now I have to get to work. http://www.guardian.co.uk/weekend/story/0,3605,1276787,00.html?=rss
10:52:26 AM  permanent link  Reader Comments []  Google It!

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Last update: 10/28/2006; 1:42:38 AM.
This theme is based on the SoundWaves (blue) Manila theme. The title and description for this blog are quotes from Cameron Crow's 2000 film Almost Famous.
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