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Tuesday, September 07, 2004

Going Back to the post on August 30th. [posted by Troy] Many of you commented but Greg did the math. I love it! This cracks me up in a strictly nerd-type of way. He figured out the medals won by GNP & population. You can view his work here. Thanks Greg. Here's a piece of his email to me (Sorry, Greg but I have to share this. It's too good.)

"The normalized to GNP 2004 Olympic results are in. Adjusted by Total GNP, Australia kicks ass and the U.S. is dead last. Our country simply has too many other good opportunities to waste its money on Olympians. Adjusted by per capita GNP, China (1st) and Russia (2nd) dominate, and the US comes in a distant third.
What I want to know is why the Italians make $10,000 a year less than we Americans but they always look 100 times happier." From Dr. Greg
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More Work, Less Play? [posted by Troy] Ok, so you know the song 8 Days a Week by the Beatles? I've been thinking about this. If there are 8 days a week, that means that there would be 45.65625 weeks in a year, not 52. In Europe, people would probably still work 5 days a week, and get an extra day during the weekend. In Canada, they'd alternate weeks. One week you'd get 5 days of work and the next week you'd geat 6 days of work. But in the US, you'd have to work 6 days a week. That would come out to almost 10 more days of work a year.
12:28:39 AM  permanent link  Reader Comments []  Google It!

The glass rules [posted by Troy] We were talking about Martini Bars the other day. For those you who not familiar with Martini Bars, these are bars with entire menus of unique types of "martinis," which is to say mixed drinks of all sorts served in a martini glass. They are nothing like a true martini. Most are like the famous chocolate martini. Anyway, Kim commented that part of the fun of drinking martinis is drinking from the cool glass. I'd say that for most people 90% of drinking original martinis is about drinking from the martini glass. Do any of really enjoy drinking martinis that much? Or do you like the glasses? Come on, tell the truth. (By the way, here are a bunch of martini recipes.)
12:22:31 AM  permanent link  Reader Comments []  Google It!

Do we have a policy for Africa [posted by Troy] The US government was on the verge of a diplomatic treaty in southern Sudan with the signing of a peace treaty. This would be a nice victory for the administration. BUT, now Darfur has become the current genocide, and we are once again reminded that the US does not have a clear policy for dealing with Africa. If they had oil, we'd probably just invade them.
12:13:20 AM  permanent link  Reader Comments []  Google It!

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Last update: 10/28/2006; 1:43:44 AM.
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