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Tuesday, September 28, 2004

The movie of our life. [posted by Troy] As many of you know, wedding planning has its ups and downs. Sometimes you'd like to fast forward through the work and just get to the fun. I imagine a musical montage, like you'd see in the movie where the theme song would start and scene after scene would roll by signaling the passing of time.
Start song: Courtship of Eddie's Father Theme
Scene 1: Troy & Kim standing in church in regular clothing
Scene 2: Kim shaking her head as Troy rides up the escalator as she rides down in a major department store (IKEA).
Scene 3: Kim bringing Troy a martini as he works on a paper for school
Scene 4: Troy holding a photographer by the ankles from the top of a tall building while Kim is holding the photography contract.
Scene 5: Kim looking at random dresses.
Scene 6: Troy trying on bow ties.
Scene 7: Josh baling Troy, Ben, Jordan, Nathan, Burns (Justin/Jason), and Chad out of jail after bachelor party.
Scene 7: Troy doing push ups.
Scene 8: Kim chasing a live chicken in the street to gain quickness.
Scene 9: Father Swanson recycling aluminum cans to get extra cash to send to Troy and Kim.
Scene 10: Kim showing up at the church in her wedding dress.

Then the wedding would start. That sure would be nice.
11:24:20 PM  permanent link  Reader Comments []  Google It!

Pay for Access [posted by Troy] This is a pretty revealing NPR-related Web site. It reports data about how often members of Congress travel on other people's money. Did you know that it's common for members of Congress to take minivacations at the expense of lobbying groups? Some Congress turn this down on principle (John McCain, Lane Evans, among two). You can look up your member of Congress by name here. Here's the listing by state:
11:10:05 PM  permanent link  Reader Comments []  Google It!

Big Ten [potsed by Troy] Justin, Craig and I were walking down the street on Saturday and this girl walked by wearing a shirt that read "Ann Arbor is a Whore." I did a double take, and then realized that this must be an Iowa fan, since Iowa played Michigan on Saturday. I laughed and made a comment to my friends. Craig looked at me, miled and said, "You've never been to a Big 10 school have you?" Ummm...I've been to them, but I haven't attended one as a students. Nope. It seems that this shirt is not very uncommon in such places, and Craig (an Iowa grad school graduate TWICE) was not all that humored or surprised by the shirt. This really got me thinking about the differences between college cultures, especially since I work at a community college. I've only attened small private schools, so I've only been able to watch the division one school thing from a distance. It hasn't bothered me or anything, but each college is very different and these differences color our view of what college is about. None-the-less, I don't think Ann Arbor is really a whore. Nor do I think this of Iowa City, Evanston, or Champaign...but they are a bit looser than other towns I know.
7:09:18 AM  permanent link  Reader Comments []  Google It!

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Last update: 10/28/2006; 1:44:53 AM.
This theme is based on the SoundWaves (blue) Manila theme. The title and description for this blog are quotes from Cameron Crow's 2000 film Almost Famous.
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