Updated: 11/19/05; 12:34:42 PM

 Tuesday, October 11, 2005
Gada.be Launches

The Brainchild of Chris Pirillo, Gada.be is a fascinating idea of a meat web search tool, designed to be accessibly via mobile devices. Anyone who has used mobile Internet devices know what an utter pain it is to navigate to specific URLs, and unless they were designed with mobile devices in mind, they can be a nightmare. Give it a look.

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5:14:14 AM    
THE ZOMBIE HUNTERS - On the trail of cyberextortionists.

A most interesting of pieces from the New Yorker that talks at length about the complex world of the BotNet and Zombie computers and the people on the other end who use those tools to extort money from US companies under threat of a full fledged cyber-attack (DDOS, etc).

The happy ending to this story is that enterprising young hackers realized the value in offering a counter-security service to these customers and their company has grown exponentially over the last few years. As someone who has been in the trenches during a few network attacks, I can say from experience that this is one insanely stressful job and I hope these folks are brining in some major compensation for the stress that goes along with such a position.

5:10:50 AM