This is the most amusing photo I've seen in a while. 9:42:07 PM Add a comment
I was surprised to see this juxtaposition in the parking lot as I left work this evening. Maybe Someone is trying to tell me its time to ditch work and go fishing? 9:09:37 PM Add a comment
Orgasm boost from wonder patch: "At the end of the eight-week study, the Estalis patch was associated with a increase in ability to have orgasm, intensity of orgasm, ability to have multiple orgasms, sense of control/timing of orgasm and a sense of relaxation and well-being after orgasm, as compared with the two oral therapies."
I smell an investment opportunity. 9:04:01 PM Add a comment
Anchorage Daily News | Famed raider of bird seed, garbage turns up near Skilak Lake: "Had the local garbage soured? Was the birdseed stale?Maybe the indignity of getting darted in the rump last April and fitted with a radio-tracking collar was too insulting for a self-respecting city bear. Whatever the reason, a fat black bruin famous for raiding feeders and cans in Anchorage neighborhoods along Turnagain Arm over the past two seasons has given suburban life the slip and moved south to the Kenai Peninsula near Skilak Lake."
This very bear busted into my storage shed once, but now he's moved on to greener pastures. Or bluer rivers. Or wharever bears go when the escape the 'burbs. 6:03:26 PM Add a comment