Ken Hagler's Radio Weblog
Computers, freedom, and anything else that comes to mind.

Friday, June 07, 2002

Do Dots Connect to Police State?. Adding more fuel to critics decrying the administration's centralization of power, President Bush proposes a cabinet-level domestic security office. By Farhad Manjoo. [Wired News]

I expect Congress will be all in favor of the creation of a genuine KGB. The Democrats, who claim to dislike Bush, will all be thinking about how nice it will be for them to have all those KGB agents joining government employee unions (which are essentially fronts for the Democratic party), and how much more powerful a totally unscrupulous Democratic president would have with a KGB at her disposal.

The Republicans, for their part, want it because they are the ones who actually get to control the KGB right now. And if the Arab terrorists cooperate by making more large-scale terrorist attacks, maybe they can get enough power to just skip elections in the future.
comment () trackback ()  10:44:02 AM    

How I learned not to be a perfectionist. I learned when I was a teenager not to be a perfectionist. Or, more accurately, I learned that perfection won’t necessarily save you from anything.

My family went away Friday nights to spend the weekends at the beach house. I was left alone at home.

Some weekends I would throw a party, sometimes big, sometimes small. Then on Sunday I’d clean the house to make sure there were no signs of the party.

I liked to clean anyway. My family was a very messy bunch, and I liked things put away. I liked to have the floors vacuumed and the dishes cleaned.

So I made sure to clean every Sunday whether or not I had thrown a party. This way no one could tell by the state of the house whether or not I had thrown a party.

Still I got into trouble from time to time for throwing a party. It’s hard to remove all traces of a party.

So one weekend I decided to clean the house perfectly. No party. I started cleaning Friday night after my family left. I cleaned all Saturday and all Sunday until they returned.

I even cleaned the bathrooms and mowed the lawn. I cleaned everything. Perfection achieved.

You know what happened, of course. I got in trouble for throwing a party, even though I had spent the entire weekend cleaning.

My parents said the house was so perfectly clean I must have thrown a party. I asked them to show me some evidence. They said there’s no other explanation for such a perfectly clean house. So I was in trouble.

Lesson learned: perfection is as likely to get you into trouble as it is to save you. []

A better lesson from this would be: once you've proven that you are not trustworthy, people will be inclined to distrust you even if you haven't actually done anything wrong in a particular instance.
comment () trackback ()  10:33:15 AM    

Tax Cuts Explained. Bernie Baltic - Tax Cuts Explained - a little parable making it crystal clear why the rich should get the bulk of any tax cut. [liberator] [End the War on Freedom]

This story also illustrates how a small number of people pay the majority of taxes.
comment () trackback ()  10:16:43 AM    

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