Ken Hagler's Radio Weblog
Computers, freedom, and anything else that comes to mind.

Wednesday, June 12, 2002

NYPD's Kelly Rejects Armed Patrols. NEW YORK -The police commissioner says New York doesn't need armed bands of citizens to protect its neighborhoods, flatly rejecting a proposal by a Jewish group to begin patrols next week. 'The department will not tolerate anyone brandishing weapons under the guise of protecting others,' Commissioner Ray Kelly said Monday. 'Anyone attempting to patrol the streets armed with weapons will be arrested.' []

If Commissioner Kelly really means that, he will now go out and arrest any NYPD officer he finds. I won't hold my breath waiting, though.
comment () trackback ()  10:35:16 AM    

Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty Expires. The Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty, long the centerpiece of nuclear equilibrium between the United States and the Soviet Union and a strong deterrent to other nations with nuclear aspirations, is being officially put to rest. [AP World News]

Good riddance. It was always a bad idea to have a treaty requiring that the American people be defenseless in case of missile attack. This is particularly true when the treaty was signed with a country which didn't particularly care about the lives of its own citizens. Now, although we've wasted 30 years, it will at least be possible for the US to develop defenses.
comment () trackback ()  10:04:47 AM    

New U.S. Proposal Angers Travelers. A new U.S. proposal to require fingerprints and photographs from 100,000 foreign visitors each year has provoked anger among foreign business travelers who fear they may be targets of suspicion. [AP World News]

The obvious solution is for people to stop visiting the US. I know I wouldn't visit a country that did these things. That is, if there are any. Do places like China and Cuba fingerprint visitors?
comment () trackback ()  9:35:17 AM    

Palestinians May Get Interim State. Secretary of State Colin Powell on Wednesday began to sketch out the Bush administration's plans for a Palestinian state, saying in an interview with an Arabic newspaper that the process may begin with a transitional or temporary state. [AP World News]

The article never actually explains why the Bush administration is doing this. Perhaps the President has gotten confused and mistaken himself for Ariel Sharon?
comment () trackback ()  9:25:50 AM    

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