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Thursday, June 12, 2003

Alaska: No permit needed to carry concealed guns. Alaskans will no longer need a permit to carry a concealed weapon under a bill signed into law Wednesday.

In signing the bill, Gov. Frank Murkowski lauded the work of the Legislature and the National Rifle Association in protecting the Second Amendment rights of Alaskans.

The bill would adopt the so-called 'Vermont Carry' law that allows residents to carry a concealed weapon without a special permit. Vermont has no laws against carrying concealed weapons, the governor's office said.

In Alaska, someone who applies for a concealed handgun permit is required to take a handgun course certified by the state Department of Public Safety.

Rep. Eric Croft, D-Anchorage, said he sponsored the bill out of frustration with continually fine-tuning the state's gun laws. []

This is amazing--I never expected Vermont carry to spread to even one other state. Good for Alaska!

Now if only states in warmer climates would follow their example...
2:03:25 PM    comment ()

Hornberger's Blog. Waksal undoubted pleased both his prosecutors and his sentencing judge when he pled for mercy: "I am deeply distressed and so very sorry for my actions. I want to apologize to all the people who may have had confidence in me and whose confidence I betrayed."

It's the type of statement that some people wanted the Dixie Chicks to make. It's also the type of statement that would have pleased those running the North Vietnamese reeducation camps after the communist takeover of South Vietnam.

If only Waksal had known that the judge intended to throw the book at him regardless of what he said, he could have instead told the truth:

"Judge Pauley, I'm just a regular American who established a company that benefited my family, consumers, and me. I'm proud of that. My company has made money, which means that we have served the consumer well. I'm also proud of all that I have accomplished for cancer patients and all that I've done to advance charity with the money I've made. Unfortunately, my company has to deal with such tyrannical and destructive federal agencies as the FDA, whose parasitic bureaucrats have destroyed so many lives through their delays and rejections of so many beneficial health products. As part of that process, I have had to keep track of all the bad things that the FDA is doing to my company. And when they do one of those bad things, I'm going to do my best to protect my family, my company, and myself from financial harm. Everyone else is free to do the same thing. That's what economic liberty and a free market are all about. I'm not sorry for what I have done. I'm proud of it and I would do it again. It's the federal government's stupid and ridiculous socialistic and fascist economic crimes that are the true travesty. You should do the right thing and dismiss the case that these people have brought against me, and these Justice Department prosecutors ought to apologize to the American people for wasting their time and money." [The Future of Freedom Foundation]
9:49:21 AM    comment ()

US names human trafficking offenders. Fifteen countries risk aid cutbacks for not doing enough to stop the illegal movement of people, the US warns. [BBC News | Front Page | UK Edition]

The fact that the US government would make such a statement shows pretty clearly how badly corrupted and degraded it's become. The very idea of someone who claims to be an American telling Cuba that they must do more to stop "illegal movement of people" (that is, refugees fleeing oppression) is sickening.
9:14:16 AM    comment ()

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