Ken Hagler's Radio Weblog
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Friday, June 20, 2003

Galloway Innocent. After the Baghdad looting, or so the story went, a reporter for a neocon British newspaper was strolling through a government office building. Looking down, he just happened upon a sheaf of documents purporting to show that George Galloway, the pro-peace MP, was in the pay of Saddam Hussein. That seemed to be the end of the most eloquent opponent of neocon aggression in the UK. But now, like the Niger nuclear documents and so much else, these papers are revealed as forgeries. PS: Richard Perle is on the board of the company that owns the British newspaper. [ Blog]

This hardly comes as a surprise--it was pretty obvious from the beginning that the whole thing was just Crusader propaganda. However, I doubt that those people who found it convenient to believe (or pretend to believe) the accusation will be apologizing any time soon.
6:22:55 PM    comment ()

The blog has pointers to a couple of articles on the government's latest foreign policy misdeeds. One is a look at Feds cozying up the the vicious dictator who rules Uzbekistan. There's even a picture of him shaking hands with his good friend Donald Rumsfeld that looks quite similar to the famous picture of Rumsfeld and Saddam.

The other article covers the Feds' embrace of communist terrorists to attack the government of Iran. Our lords and masters are so wonderfully inclusive--they never met a vicious thug they didn't like.
6:15:55 PM    comment ()

Congressional hearings into Iraq's weapons program are pointless, Libertarians say. Congressional hearings into the Bush administration's claims about Iraq's weapons program are a waste of time, Libertarians say, because the public already knows that presidents routinely lie or exaggerate to justify waging war.

"Surprise! It appears that another U.S. leader has manipulated facts and exaggerated threats in order to whip up war hysteria," said Joe Seehusen, executive director of the Libertarian Party, which staunchly opposed the invasion of Iraq.

"Do we really need a congressional hearing to discover that politicians are adept at using words as weapons of mass deception?" [Libertarian Party]
11:59:27 AM    comment ()

'I just pulled the trigger'. But a closer look at these American GIs, sweltering in the heat of an unwelcoming Iraq, reveals the glazed eyes and limp expressions of those who have witnessed a war they do not understand and have begun to resent. By their own admission these American soldiers have killed civilians without hesitation, shot wounded fighters and left others to die in agony. [This is London]

Arthur Silber has some comments on a similar article in the Washington Post.
9:09:39 AM    comment ()

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