Saturday, May 14, 2005
RSS Goodness
BBC News: "In a world heaving under the weight of billions of web pages, keeping up to date with the information you want can be a drag. Wouldn't it be better to have the latest news and features delivered directly to you, rather than clicking from site to site? Well now you can, thanks to a very clever service, RSS."
Thanks to NewMexiKen for the link.
7:33:48 AM
Nuclear Option this Week?
TalkLeft: "The Washington Post reports Frist said Friday he will launch the nuclear option next week by forcing a vote on either Priscilla Owen or Janice Rogers Brown."
Blogs for Bush: "What we are fighting for in the judicial filibuster battle is for our ability, via a President elected by a majority of Americans, to appoint people in tune with the American majority to the federal judiciary. Our Democratic friends, especially on the extreme left, are convinced that the majority of Americans are behind them and thus they are justified in blocking President Bush's nominees (the fact that the actual votes go against them is put down to the majority of actual voters being too stupid to realise that the Democratic left is the best thing in all Creation). If we give an inch on judicial nominations now, then what we'll have handed the Democratic left is veto power over Supreme Court nominations down the road."
Category: 2004 Presidential Transition
7:23:04 AM
Western Primary?
Peter Blake reports the Mark Udall is pushing a western regional primary [May 14, 2005, "Blake: How a Referendum C foe might have helped it along"]. From the article, "The latest campaign to establish a coordinated regional primary/caucus day in the Rocky Mountain West got a boost Friday from Rep. Mark Udall, D-Colo. In a letter to the fancifully named Commission on Presidential Nomination Timing and Scheduling, a Democratic group which is meeting in Chicago this weekend, Udall said the mountain West 'has too often been overlooked in framing the presidential nomination process. In presidential elections, we are often viewed by party leaders, national political pundits and other national 'experts' as a Republican Red Sea impossible to cross, like a great desert more to be endured than embraced.'"
Category: 2008 Presidential Election
6:58:24 AM
Suthers on Coffman
Mike Coffman will be able to take a leave of absence from his job as State Treasurer to service in Iraq, according to the Rocky Mountain News [May 14, 2005, "Coffman leave for Iraq OK'd"]. From the article, "Attorney General John Suthers, in an opinion issued Thursday, cited a Department of Defense directive that says an elected official does not have to resign unless state law prohibits him or her from holding office during a tour of active military service."
6:49:35 AM
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Last update: 3/14/09; 7:30:53 PM.