Friday, June 28, 2002
Tired. Very Tired. Off to the hot tub.
Speaking of the hot tub:

The bi-tonal pattern on my left arm is scary. And I'm not that fat. Really.
9:55:44 PM
From my Mom's blog:
Martha Stewart should have known better----selling her ImClone stock on what looks like inside information---she was a stock broker at one time in her life.
Good Grief!!!! Mom called this one right! I think Martha's arrogance certainly blinded her.
9:28:06 PM
If you ever need to grovel (I've used it once already!).
9:13:29 PM
A commentary I can relate to on the whole Pledge of Allegiance Flap. From yesterday's User Friendly.org:
Cartoon for Jun 27, 2002

9:12:05 PM
I found out yesterday that contrary to popular belief, I am not a snob. I am elitist.
9:09:51 PM
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