Monday, July 01, 2002
So, someone visited my blog as a result of this Google search. How about that? My site is ranked number one for Ski Boys. I think it's hilarious. Peter is embarassed.
By the way - the other Ski Boy sites are somewhat bizarre. For example.
10:43:35 PM
 The latest addition to the Slat Rat's CD collection.
10:32:22 PM
Songya (my sister) came in from Grand Junction this evening. She and Clemmie have already hit it off big time! We are going to have a great time over the next week!
Songya (she is such a cutie) and The Slat Rat chilling in the hot tub:

10:28:58 PM
Songya's here!!!!
9:53:16 PM
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Last update: 3/5/2005; 8:22:36 PM.
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