Saturday, July 20, 2002
Via User Friendly, Stapler Poetry.
A sample of Stapler Haiku:
Stapler before dawn Waiting in perfect silence Dreams of loose paper
10:07:58 PM
For all you Mac users, another great User Friendly cartoon by Illiad:
CARTOON FOR Jul 20, 2002

10:04:30 PM
Charles Crabtree in his comment to my laments regarding the stock market and GCI, turned me onto to the Signal vs Noise blog. What a great little blog - it's a group weblog from the gang at 37 signals - a web design team "with a passion for sophistication and simplicity." Hmmm - may be they could help me with a simple, yet appropriately sophisticated, template for The Slat Rat Chronicles.
And Charles - thank you for your very nice compliment regarding my blog!
7:49:20 PM
This is from a little contest on Long Island. The requirements were to use Lewinsky and Kaczynski in a limerick. This is the winning entry. As with all good limerecks, it's in very poor taste but is very funny.
Lewinsky and Clinton have shown What Kaczynski must surely have known: That an intern is better Than a bomb in a letter When deciding how best to be blown
7:25:32 PM
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Last update: 3/5/2005; 8:22:41 PM.
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