Wednesday, July 10, 2002
I'm starting a new category - "Bathrooms I Have Visited". I am frequently struck by the unique and sometimes very odd nature of various potties I have visited. So I've decided to start documenting them.
This first entry is not really out of the ordinary. This is the "head" on the Major Marine boat out of Seward. What makes it unique is that it was the cleanest bathroom I checked in on Saturday. And who would thought a boat would have the best pottie. The picture doesn't really do it justice.

8:31:56 PM
Here are a few Resurrection Bay critters:
Stellar Sea Lions hauled out on the rocks:

Evidently this is a rare sighting of a Sea Otter hauled out:
 The Sea Otter is the little black white lump cureled up at the bottom of the big rock.
8:19:07 PM
Here are some spiffy train pictures from this past weekend's trip to Seward:
The train at "the big loop" at the Maxwell (is that right?) Glacier:
Alaska is amazing isn't it...
Passing another train at "Tunnel" Alaska:

The view from one tunnel to the other:

8:13:50 PM
So here I sit with Peter watching, of all things, The Espy's. Gads what a fake and self aggrandizing event and of course a colossal waste of time. However, I don't have control of the clicker and am too lazy to pack up my laptop and move elsewhere. So, The Espy's it is.
8:01:13 PM
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Last update: 3/5/2005; 8:22:38 PM.
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