It's a new bike!
See the incredibly nifty new contraption my Sweetie gave me!

It's a recumbent bike made by BikeE. Because of my Chronic Fatigue Syndrome induced urinary tract disorder, I cannot sit on a regular bike seat. I'm a former bike racer and it has absolutely been killing me that I can't ride. But I did discover, by riding Peter's recumbent exercise bike that I can ride a recumbent. So today, totally on the spur of the moment, we went recumbent bike shopping. And lo and behold, look what we got!

It is a total blast to ride - I think it may be more fun than a regular bike. It's sort of like riding a really faaast tricyle. It's very twitchy - that really little front wheel is not the most stable thing in the world. Peter thinks I look like a little kid when we're riding - I'm low to the ground and I'm not riding a super straight line. However, I am getting the hang of it. Going up hill is tough - due to the bike's configuration, you cannot exert as much torque as on a regular bike - on this bike it is all quads. Going down hills is somewhat thrilling - especially the steep curvy ones on the Coastal Trail between the North-South runway and the bottom of Earthquake Park.
Don't I have the best Sweetie in the whole world?!!!!!!
p.s. - we got the bike at Paramount Cycles. What a great group - they know their bikes and are very friendly and helpful without being pushy.
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