Tuesday, July 23, 2002
Ah - one of life's simple pleasures: soaking outside in the hot tub with a soft summer rain pattering down in the late night dusk (remember it's Alaska - the land of the midnight sun ).
11:02:28 PM
For dinner tonight, we had the most fabulous grilled fresh Red Salmon. Our fish supplier is our good friend, Dan Billman. Dan is a commercial fisherman (while holding down a full time job as an engineer) and his setnet site is just across Knik Arm. Our Red was absolutely sumptuous and the entire fish was only $10. What a deal!We definitely will be picking up more fish from Dan. However, he is really after me to try Dog Salmon. Ugh - I'm not sure about that.
I am sure about one thing. There's no better place in the world than Alaska (except during April).
Here's my mighty Alaska guy filleting the salmon:

10:40:02 PM
So, Phil to the rescue yet again. Below, I asked as to why my viewfinder images were blurry. Phil suggested adjusting the "diopter" Huh? What is a diopter.
Phil helpfully pointed out that the diopter adjuster was above the viewfinder. Lo and behold there was a little slider lever thing right above the viewfinder. And guess what - clear images!
9:53:09 PM
Clem and Will engaged in a fierce battle of tug-o-war with poor Alf (Alf may never be the same):

9:42:52 PM
Sony DSC F707 camera problem:
The viewfinder "view" is all blurry. The LCD is fine, but the viewfinder view is quite blurry. Has anyone else experienced this?
9:28:21 PM
From our young houseguest, Will:
Question: What is the difference between broccoli and boogers?
Answer: Kids don't eat broccoli.
And by the way, Will correctly pointed out that I needed a comma between houseguest and Will. I can tell Will is a blogger in the making!
9:26:30 PM
Via my Mom's blog - I'm a "Linus."
6:56:29 PM
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Last update: 3/5/2005; 8:22:42 PM.
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