Saturday, July 27, 2002
A "Hey Baby" new look for my blog? Why did they do this? I found it by doing a Google Search on the "Slat Rat Chronicles." I will say that Jasper looks kind of nifty framed in gold.
11:28:32 PM
Tonight's wine at Campobello: 1998 Marietta Angeli Cuvee (you'll have to scroll down on the link). Good stuff - a red blend of 85% Zinfandel, 10% Sirah, and 5% Carignane. And here's the killer for a wimp like me - 15.5% alcohol. The wine is very big - somewhat sweet and thick - "jammy" as they would say in wine parlance. But the Sirah calms down the big blackberry sweetness. And the wine is young - drinkable but it does need to breathe. Personally, I'd cellar it for at least 7 years.
10:44:08 PM
Who or what is this wild looking thing?

It's my very wet cat, Jasper. He's just had a bath and certainly doesn't look happy about it.
My asthma is still bothering me. As a result, it's time to institute stringent procedures which include zero level cat dander emissions. So, for the next month, Jasper will be bathing once a week. I use a special pet dander reducing shampoo and cream rinse sold by my vet. The stuff does seem to work. Even though Jasper thinks that whole process totally sucks.
1:45:51 PM
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Last update: 3/5/2005; 8:23:44 PM.
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