Thursday, July 25, 2002
Ooops, the Church of Spongebob web site exceeded its monthly quota. So my link below, is gonzo until the end of the month. I'm sure it was traffic from my blog that pushed them over the edge.
9:19:00 PM
Yet another great User Friendly cartoon. And so true. However, Bernie and Scott are due to be criminally indicted. Criminal indictment is too good for those two. They ruined a great company.

9:08:17 PM
Has anybody experienced the fruit that is durian? My buddy John, thinks it's pretty neat stuff. I don't know - evidently the fruit is round, about 10 inches in diameter and has very hard spines. But its insides are the issue - soft like yogurt and smelly. Bad. Like week old garbage. Only stronger. Hmmm - I don't see myself trying this stuff any time soon. Although it might make for a good blog.
8:52:15 PM
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