Everything... Possible... Happens.
A certified genius and hopeless curmudgeon, the inimitable Dusty Rhodes doesn’t hesitate to speak his mind on whatever interesting tidbits he finds. Always irreverent, usually funny and occasionally enlightening views on news, trends and minutiae.


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  Friday, August 02, 2002


Mexico City Airport Plans Dropped [AP World News]

You know, if a bunch of peasants in Mexico City can stop a massive new airport development dead in its tracks, you’d think Austinites would be able to stop an incredibly poorly conceived gasoline pipeline plan through the heart of our aquifer that would also run under thousands of schools, home and businesses and the various unneeded development that threatens to destroy Barton Springs, for 150 years the true heart of the Heart of Texas.

6:11:35 PM    
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Weak Job Growth Puts Strength of Recovery in Question. Fresh signs that the pace of U.S. economic growth is faltering emerged this morning with a report that only 6,000 new jobs were created in July. By Kenneth N. Gilpin. [New York Times: NYT HomePage]

Yet more bad economic news on the Bush watch. In 18 months we’ve gone from record surpluses and 8 years of unparalleled growth to record deficits and a shrinking economy. Thank you, George W. Dumbfuck.


Then again, considering this Dim Son failed miserably at every single business he tried until he was handed a sweetheart deal even he couldn’t screw up (Texas Rangers ownership), is anyone really surprised he’s fucked up so completely as Pres?


Tell us again how the economy is fundamentally sound, please, Lying George.

6:08:49 PM    
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Judge Orders Names of Sept. 11 Detainees Released. A federal judge ruled today that the United States must reveal the names of people detained in the investigation of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks. By The Associated Press. [New York Times: NYT HomePage]

Halle- freaking –luiah! At least someone has some common sense. Kudos to U.S. District Judge Gladys Kessler for not swallowing the ridiculous lies flowing so freely from the White House these days.

6:04:38 PM    
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1985 Usenet About Y2k [Slashdot]

I honed my crusty style on Usenet and still check in from time to time on a number of groups. Here’s a blast from the past that shows Y2K was on some minds long before the panic of 1999. Very entertaining reading, in light of what we now know to be fact.

6:00:58 PM    
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Blog's the word at MSNBC.com. The news site will introduce a new Web logs section by the end of August, a move that will allow more editorial control over the opinionated ramblings of its former online chat boards. [CNET News.com]

Following the Yew York Times, many mainstream media outlets have gone down the blogging path. The latest word is MSNBC will use blogs to replace their now gone discussion boards.

5:56:09 PM    
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4 Florida Newspapers to Charge for Online Content [New York Times: Technology]

Here’s a prime candidate for the “RBMI" (Really Bad Marketing Idea) file.


You know, every day I read the New York Times online for free, as do millions of others. I usually look at the Washington Post, the Chicago Trib and the LA Times, too, all for free. Same with AP, CNN, NBC, ABC, CBS, FOX, etc.


What the fuck makes these idiots down in Goobreville, FL think *anyone* would pay to read their Podunk Press rags online? Have these imbeciles never heard of advertising revenue? Look for these dimwits to back off this idiotic idea soon, though the PR damage is already done.

3:42:34 PM    
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Judge backs release of records [USA Today : Front Page]

The screw turns, the noose tightens and the colons of the lying, thieving corporate toadies in the White House refelxively clench. No doubt the records the Bushies absolutely refuse to release would show them to be pure as driven snow, right? Sure, and I’m the King of Germnay.

3:39:23 PM    
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U.S.: Powell Defends Talks With N. Korea. 10:24 ET - AP [NewsBlip.com]

But, but, but, Korea is part of the “axis of evil.” I know, ‘cause uncle GW Dumbass told me so.

3:37:19 PM    
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Bush begins extended vacation [USA Today : Front Page]

By-bye, bubba. Would that this were a permanent break from Washington.

3:36:20 PM    
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Police 'infuriated' over FBI program. On USA Today : Front Page [News Is Free: Popular Items]

Stupid is as stupid does and here’s yet another case of terminal stupidity from the Bush controlled DoJ. This is your hard earned tax dollars at play.

3:35:34 PM    
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Henry David Thoreau. "Every generation laughs at the old fashions, but follows religiously the new." [Quotes of the Day]

2:15:40 PM    
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Samuel Butler. "Man is the only animal that can remain on friendly terms with the victims he intends to eat until he eats them." [Quotes of the Day]

2:15:28 PM    
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William Jennings Bryan. "No one can earn a million dollars honestly." [Quotes of the Day]

2:15:16 PM    
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Andy Rooney. "Computers make it easier to do a lot of things, but most of the things they make it easier to do don't need to be done." [Quotes of the Day]

2:14:59 PM    
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U.S.: Report: Bush Administration Split over Iraq. 09:47 ET - Reuters [NewsBlip.com]

The fucking Idiot In Chief doesn’t even listen to his own experts. And why should he? He *knows* Sadam is the Anti-Christ. What more could anyone want in the way of justification?


I wish I was kidding on this. Bush really does think Sadam is the Anti-Christ. He found this out through his KKKrisitian pals.

2:13:08 PM    
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U.S.: Drug Money Charges Heat Up Texas Governor Race. 08:47 ET - Reuters [NewsBlip.com]

As I am based in Texas, I’ve been following this story since it broke. The short of it is the Smirking Chimp’s hand picked successor, Rick “The Haircut” Perry, has been lying his silly GOP ass off in TV commercials attacking his Democratic opponent in the Texas gubernatorial race and he got caught red handed.


Has Haircut pulled the blatantly false ads? Of course not. That would be the honest thing to do. Did we not say he was hand picked by Shrub and the GOP? Honesty is a liability in those circles.

2:10:56 PM    
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U.S.: Lawmakers Decry Bush on Corp. Fraud. 07:40 ET - AP [NewsBlip.com]

Nice to see members of his own party calling out the lying, toadying GW Dumbshit on his gutting of whistle blower protections only hours after he signed a sweeping corporate reform bill into law. Turns out Shrub doesn’t want protection for whistle blowers like Sherron Watkins, the executive who broke the Enron case, mainly ‘cause his corporate masters don’t want the truth about their shady dealings revealed.

2:07:21 PM    
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Experts Warn of High Risk for American Invasion of Iraq. Experts warned a Senate committee on Wednesday that an invasion would carry risks ranging from more terrorist attacks to higher oil prices. By James Dao. [New York Times: Politics]

Warn away. It’s not like Idiot George will listen.

2:03:30 PM    
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Astronomers discover web of gas and dark matter. Several groups of astronomers have discovered a massive network of filaments of gas that may... [spacetoday.net]

What’s the big deal? I saw this clearly with my third eye almost 30 years ago after a few grams of MDA one night.

2:02:36 PM    
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camarilla: Dictionary.com Word of the Day. camarilla [Dictionary.com Word of the Day]

Look no further than the White House for an example.

2:01:10 PM    
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Security czar points finger of blame [ZDNet Tech News]

Great Ghu, what a fucking idiot. The number one source of security concerns today are clueless business users who don’t download and install constantly released patches to shore up their vulnerability to attack. Tens of thousands of corporate computers taken as zombies have been used in countless DoS attacks recently.


Leave it to the Bushies to give their corporate masters a free pass while shoveling blame furiously elsewhere. The truly funny thing is this Bush appointed idiot made this ridiculous speech infront of the very people finding the security holes and launching the DoS attacks. I hear there wasn’t a dry seat in the house.

1:59:11 PM    
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Because of 9/11, a Uniting River Now Divides. Big Bend Country, a remote area of the Texas desert where residents on both sides of the Rio Grande were interdependent, is now split because of Border Patrol restrictions. By Jim Yardley. [New York Times: National]

We told you about this funny/sad  story some time ago, (see but it’s silly enough to bear repeating. This is a good example of the inherent idiocy of the thinking – and I use that term very loosely – coming out of the Bush administration these days.

1:54:16 PM    
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Zoom Out, Then Nosedive: A Bird's-Eye View of Your Burg. TerraFly offers Web surfers the chance to fly virtually over any place in the United States. Enter a street address or a ZIP code, and TerraFly displays a bird's-eye view of the location. From there, a click of the mouse is all it takes to fly in any direction. While there are Web sites that allow users to pull up satellite aerial views, TerraFly, a project of the High Performance Database Research Center at the School of Computer Science at Florida International University, stitches these static images together into a dynamic presentation that feels a little like a video. By Amir Tusher. [New York Times: Technology]

I’ve only been able to get this site to work sporadically, but when it works it is very cool. Stop what you’re doing RIGHT NOW and give it a try. Let me know if you have any better luck than I’ve had.

1:51:30 PM    
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"Trojan horse" rides in encryption program [New Scientist]

No doubt all of you knee-jerk “Microsoft Sucks!” morons will be quick to note the vulnerability of your open source cure-alls. I’m holding my breath, let me tell you.

1:48:03 PM    
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Delays Seen in Superfund Cleanup Projects. The inspector general of the Environmental Protection Agency said that insufficient financing within the Superfund program was delaying the cleanup of toxic waste sites. By Katharine Q. Seelye. [New York Times: National]

Gosh, how is it that something as vitally important to the health and welfare of Americans as the Superfund could possibly run out of money? Oh yeah, I remember. The Dim Son gutted their operating budget.


Oh, well. At least he was able to arrange creative financing for his Brother Jeb in Florida (see http://radio.weblogs.com/0105714/2002/07/31.html#a521)

1:14:21 PM    
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Bush Criticized by Lawmakers on Corporate Governance. Lawmakers on Wednesday criticized President Bush for what they called an abrupt watering down of a major corporate-fraud bill. By Elisabeth Bumiller. [New York Times: Politics]

Un-fucking-believable. This is truly the height of hubris, hypocrisy and idiocy. Just hours after signing the new corporate oversight bill into law, the Commander In Thief proceeded to completely gut key provisions of that law by presidential fiat.


With the stroke of a pen, the Smirking Chimp removed almost all of the protections written into the law for whistle blowers. Now, for $1, can you guess to whom, in the recent spate of corporate scandals, this would have most applied had it been in effect at the time?


Sherron Watkins. Name sound familiar? She’s the executive who blew the whistle on Enron. That’s right, the same Enron run by Bush’s best pals that has so far managed to avoid so much as a single indictment for their billions in fraud. Looks like it really does pay to have a friend in the White House, especially a friend you own.

1:10:31 PM    
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Questions on Halliburton Deal Under Cheney. At issue now is whether Halliburton under Vice President Dick Cheney was aggressive enough in investigating the asbestos liabilities it was taking on in acquiring Dresser. By Jeff Gerth and Richard W. Stevenson. [New York Times: NYT HomePage]

Dick Cheney now! Dick Bush, too, for that matter. Let's get rid of these lying, thieving corporate toadies before they steal us blind.

1:04:54 PM    
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Last update: 8/31/2002; 4:42:26 PM.

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