Everything... Possible... Happens.
A certified genius and hopeless curmudgeon, the inimitable Dusty Rhodes doesn’t hesitate to speak his mind on whatever interesting tidbits he finds. Always irreverent, usually funny and occasionally enlightening views on news, trends and minutiae.


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  Saturday, August 17, 2002


Science and the Five-Star Hangover. "Man, being reasonable, must get drunk," noted Lord Byron. It has been thus since some ancient human first left a pile of crushed grapes to fester for a while, took a swig, and eventually ended up with the caveman version of a lampshade on his head -- followed by the first hangover in human history. Despite this long legacy of intoxication, the process of getting a few sheets to the wind and waking up with a sore head has received little scientific scrutiny, perhaps because it happens mainly on Sunday mornings, when physicians are doing other things. Still, there are bits and pieces that can be pulled together, notes John Emsley, a chemist now at Cambridge, in "Through a Chemist's Eyes: A Dispassionate Look at Alcohol." [kuro5hin.org]

As last night was margarita night at the fabulous Dusty Compound, this seemed appropriate as hell today. Interesting stuff. Unfortunately, nothing to ease the pain.

3:56:38 PM    
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Edna St. Vincent Millay. "Please give me some good advice in your next letter. I promise not to follow it." [Motivational Quotes of the Day]

3:53:03 PM    
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U.S. lacks 'smoking gun' on Iraq [USA Today : Front Page]

The Bushies keep telling us Iraq is awash – or soon will be - in weapons of mass destruction capable of hitting US targets. Bull-fucking-shit.


This is perhaps the single biggest lie, the most ridiculous red herring, the most flagrant and offensive dismissal of intelligence of the average American among all of the whoppers that have emanated from the White House since the Boy Blunder, who lost the election by more than a half million votes, and his corporate cronies began their occupation.


See, things like missile silos, rocket plants, nuclear bomb facilities and chemical and biological weapons facilities are not the kind of thing you can hide under a tarp in the back yard. All of these facilities are HUGE. So huge they are all but impossible to miss with satellite reconnaissance. All of them also leave all sorts of other easily recognizable footprints – roads, trains, trucks and various other supply mechanisms as well as barracks, labs, support facilities, etc.


In short, it is simply not possible for Sadam Hussein to have such facilities without us knowing about it. And yet the Bushies haven’t been able to point to a single shred of verifiable evidence to support their “Get Sadam” fetish. Nothing. Zip, zero, zilch, bubkus, nada. It’s all a Big Lie.


Even members of their own party have recently come out in public opposition to the Dim Son’s disastrous plan to overthrow Sadam Hussein, whom Shrub believes to be the Anti-Christ. I shit you not. Condi Rice let a bit of that slip the other day when she referred to Sadam as “evil.”


As crazy as it sounds, the Bushies really do believe Sadam is the Anti-Christ and they are aggressively trying to bring about the End Times. Shrub thinks his legacy will be Armageddon and resurrection. If he isn’t stopped and stopped soon, he may well get the first part, anyway.

3:50:35 PM    
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Rene Descartes. "If you would be a real seeker after truth, it is necessary that at least once in your life you doubt, as far as possible, all things." [Quotes of the Day]

3:38:41 PM    
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Logan Pearsall Smith. "It is the wretchedness of being rich that you have to live with rich people." [Quotes of the Day]

3:38:19 PM    
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Last update: 8/31/2002; 4:42:34 PM.

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