Everything... Possible... Happens.
A certified genius and hopeless curmudgeon, the inimitable Dusty Rhodes doesn’t hesitate to speak his mind on whatever interesting tidbits he finds. Always irreverent, usually funny and occasionally enlightening views on news, trends and minutiae.


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  Tuesday, August 20, 2002


What happens when you give an elephant 3,000 hits of LSD.. On FARK [News Is Free: Popular Items]

Now, this is truly a gem of “scientific” research. Turns out 40 years ago a couple of dunder-headed psychologists from Oklahoma – wouldn’t you know – felt the need to administer the equivalent of 3000 hits of acid to a zoo elephant. The elephant went into a coma and died. Gee, what a shock.

3:55:57 PM    
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Palm Admits Error, Fixes Nothing. In what appears to be a public relations disaster, customers are steamed that Palm offered no refunds, or even an apology, for selling m130 handhelds that displayed fewer colors than it claimed. By Elisa Batista. [Wired News]

Here’s another candidate for the “RBMI (Really Bad Marketing Idea)” file. Man, how stupid are these people? And they get *paid* for being this dumb?

3:52:16 PM    
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Dozens of People Exposed to Unidentified White Powder. Dozens of people are undergoing decontamination after being exposed to an unidentified white powder in McAllen, Texas. By The Associated Press. [New York Times: National]

I just love these obvious idiots in panic stories. Let’s see, McAllen, TX? That’s a moron rating of, oh, say, at least 8.5 on a 10 scale. You just know this “dangerous substance” will turn out to be flour or dust. But if you think otherwise, please see me about the spectacular opportunities that await you in the vertical real estate market.

3:50:48 PM    
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How many planets does your lifestyle need?. Take the quiz to find out how many planets we would need, would everyone live like you. For example, it turns out that my global footprint (biologically productive global hectares per person) is 3.4 hectares, which is way below the U.S. average (9.7 ha). Nevertheless, according to the results, all 6 billion humans living my lifestyle would need 1.9 Earths. [kuro5hin.org]

Do you have any idea what your environmental footprint is? If you’re an average American, it would take 9 Earth’s to support a planet full of you.


You can get an idea of where you fall in the scale of personal environmental responsibility with this quick BBC survey. I came in at 7.2 overall. Not as bad as most of my fellow Yanks, but definitely not good.

3:48:03 PM    
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Simeon Strunsky. "Famous remarks are very seldom quoted correctly." [Quotes of the Day]

3:42:53 PM    
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Robert W. Sarnoff. "Finance is the art of passing money from hand to hand until it finally disappears." [Quotes of the Day]

3:42:43 PM    
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John Updike. "A healthy male adult bore consumes each year one and a half times his own weight in other people's patience." [Quotes of the Day]

3:42:31 PM    
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Mark Twain. "He had discovered a great law of human action, without knowing it - namely, that in order to make a man or a boy covet a thing, it is only necessary to make the thing difficult to obtain." [Quotes of the Day]

3:42:20 PM    
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Tax Revolt Takes Aim at a County's Libraries. The libraries of Stevens County, Wash., among the most remote in the United States, are being threatened with extinction. By Timothy Egan. [New York Times: National]

Great Ghu, are there no depths of stupidity the ultra right whacko crowd won’t happily plumb? This is simply amazing. Apparently the terminally stupid have decided everyone should be as prodigiously ignorant as they.

3:42:03 PM    
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Matthew Trump. "Diplomacy is the art of knowing what not to say." [Motivational Quotes of the Day]

3:39:01 PM    
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Officers Say U.S. Aided Iraq in War Despite Use of Gas. An American covert program during the 1980's helped Iraq plan battles at a time when U.S. intelligence indicated Iraq would use chemical weapons against Iran. By Patrick E. Tyler. [New York Times: Politics]

You want to know just how freely the bullshit flows from the White House? Read this story, then look back at the last year and a half of Bush pronouncements of the evil of Saddam using gas. The lies and hypocrisy are simply stunning.


Turns out we knew all along the Iraqis were using poison gas attacks against Iran. How did we know? We helped plan them.

3:37:59 PM    
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As the Earth Warms, Will Companies Pay?. Global warming is a problem that can cost corporations and their investors billions of dollars. By Amy Cortese. [New York Times: Science]

You just know this will be the next form of corporate welfare. Once Bush and his corporate masters have finished destroying the world’s climate, no doubt his masters will then demand the gov step in and help them absorb the massive costs sure to result from uncontrolled global warming.

3:35:05 PM    
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Not Just Hanging On, Still Singing Young. Marianne Faithfull and Linda Thompson began their music careers in the 60's, but unlike many male counterparts, they're not mired in the past. By Anthony Decurtis. [New York Times: Arts]

In the case of Marianne Faithful, who, BTW, I very much like, I’m thinking her popularity at 40 or 50 something might have something to do with the fact the already she sounded like a octogenarian when she was 20.

3:33:17 PM    
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Morons in the News: Two More Arrests in Miami for Vote Fraud. Two more have been arrested in Miami, including the head of the Miami Christian Coalition, in connection with Take Back Miami Dade's attempt at vote fraud... [Morons Dot Org]

Here’s one for the ever growing “KKKristian Hypocrisy On Parade” file: Turns out the head of the Christian Coalition in South Florida has been arrested for falsifying petitions in the latest KKKristian effort to deny equal rights to gays, women control of their bodies or you and I control of our bedrooms.


Nice job, moron. In a movement marked by the intense stupidity of its members, this stupid bag of mostly water stands out as the crème de la dumb.

3:31:22 PM    
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President Urges Sides to Continue Talks. President Bush said that he would be "furious" if major league baseball players decided to strike, but he gave no indication of whether he would intervene. By The New York Times. [New York Times: Politics]

You know, the funny part about this story is Bush’s real ambition was not to be the Prez. He wanted to be the Commissioner of Baseball. Lobbied his fellow owners like hell to get the job. Thing is, his fellow owners had no confidence that Boy George could run baseball any better than he had run Harken Energy, which was straight into the ground.


In hindsight, it’s hard to imagine Bush could have done any worse than Bud “Used Car” Selig. For that matter, it’s hard to imagine anyone could have done worse than Bush has so far as Prez.


Maybe they should have let Shrub have his toy. He’s obviously far better suited to kid’s games.

3:28:19 PM    
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Timothy Leary. "Women who seek to be equal with men lack ambition." [Quotes of the Day]

2:15:34 PM    
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Ogden Nash. "People who have what they want are fond of telling people who haven't what they want that they really don't want it." [Quotes of the Day]

2:15:20 PM    
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Adlai E. Stevenson Jr.. "I have been thinking that I would make a proposition to my Republican friends...that if they will stop telling lies about the Democrats, we will stop telling the truth about them." [Quotes of the Day]

2:14:52 PM    
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Last update: 8/31/2002; 4:42:35 PM.

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