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Electronic Freedom Foundation



  Saturday, December 7, 2002


Richard Feynman. "We are at the very beginning of time for the human race. It is not unreasonable that we grapple with problems. But there are tens of thousands of years in the future. Our responsibility is to do what we can, learn what we can, improve the solutions, and pass them on." [Quotes of the Day]

Carl Sagan. "But the fact that some geniuses were laughed at does not imply that all who are laughed at are geniuses. They laughed at Columbus, they laughed at Fulton, they laughed at the Wright brothers. But they also laughed at Bozo the Clown." [Quotes of the Day]

Steven Wright. "Last night I stayed up late playing poker with Tarot cards. I got a full house and four people died." [Quotes of the Day]

Al McGuire. "I think the world is run by C students." [Quotes of the Day]

9:26:27 PM    Questions? Comments? Flames? []

Stallman tells the BBC about it

Software giants 'trample freedoms'. The costs of software should be reckoned in more than just notes and coins believes free software pioneer Richard Stallman. [BBC News | Technology | UK Edition]

9:22:37 PM    Questions? Comments? Flames? []

I sent my comment, did you?

Stop the Broadcast Flag Mandate. A stealth FCC rule would make receiving TV with free software illegal in the USA. Send your comment by Friday to bring it to light and stop it. [Linux Journal]

and I opted out of this nonsense from SBC-

SBC's Information Sharing Trickery [Dan Gillmor's eJournal]


9:02:57 PM    Questions? Comments? Flames? []

Microsoft vs. Nancy Kerrigan

Funniest, most right-on moment of the week: the Sun vs M$ judge equates Microsoft to Tonya Harding. I howled.

Judge Likens Microsoft's Effect on Java to a Bang on the Knee. The judge hearing Sun Microsystems antitrust case against Microsoft challenged Microsoft's argument that it should not be forced to include Sun's Java program in Windows. By Bloomberg News. [New York Times: Technology]

As the BBC sees it: Microsoft accused of 'knee-clubbing' rival. The software giant's latest court case sees a judge compare its tactics to the 1994 crippling of a figure skater by a rival. [BBC News | Technology | UK Edition]

8:56:22 PM    Questions? Comments? Flames? []

DUX 2003 update real soon now

The DUX 2003 Web gang has been polishing the text and support docs for the site, which should be updated early next week. The project submission kit and sponsorship information will be up.

8:49:45 PM    Questions? Comments? Flames? []

NorCal STC leadership event

I spent they day at Mills College in Oakland with a group of leaders from the six northern California STC chapters (Silicon Valley, San Francisco, North Bay, Berkeley, East Bay, and Sacramento) discussing how the chapters can collaborate and cooperate to better serve our members. It was fun, stimulating, and productive. One of the best things to come out of the day was the knowledge that all six chapters face the same challenges, especially with declining memberships. And the remaining members need all the help they can get to find or keep jobs. It was also gratifying to find that many of the activities we've tried at SVC met with other leaders' approval.

The next event planned by this leadership group is a chapter-to-industry day, during which we'll try to promote the value that technical communicators bring to the bottom line. Stand by.

8:32:50 PM    Questions? Comments? Flames? []

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Last update: 5/21/05; 10:14:40 PM.

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