Tuesday, December 10, 2002
Las Vegas in January
I'll be at the annual STC Region 8 Conference January 12-14, 2003. Consider joining me and other Pacific coast STC luminaries at the Imperial Palace Hotel in Las Vegas--the price is low, the presentations and camaraderie will be good, and I'll be ready to get out of town for a few days after the so-called holidays. We'll have some fun, make some friends, and learn something new (if we keep our eyes and ears open!).
Silicon Valley president Beau Cain will have a presentation on tech writing in 2013; if you have any clues about how and what we'll be writing in ten years, email Beau or his cohort Marie Highby.
7:13:46 PM
A good choice for your college major
Saw Robert Earl Keen at the Rio Theater in Santa Cruz on Sunday night. He played "The Front Porch Song," which he co-wrote with Lyle Lovett while they were students at Texas A&M. And he always has a story to go along with the song. This time, Robert mentioned that he was an English major--which drew cheers and applause from as many as three members of the audience (myself included). He said, "Wow, no one's ever cheered for that!" We all had a good laugh.
12:01:01 PM
"In science, 'fact' can only mean 'confirmed to such a degree that it would be perverse to withhold provisional assent.' I suppose that apples might start to rise tomorrow, but the possibility does not merit equal time in physics classrooms."
Stephen Jay Gould. [Quotes of the Day]
11:53:23 AM
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