Monday, May 16, 2005
My beloved employer, IBM, has taken some mighty progressive steps recently, like pushing open source. This morning IBM announced that
it's not only OK for employees to blog, it's encouraged. And they put
out some fairly sensible guidelines. So it's time to again make it
clear that this is my personal blog; the opinions expressed here are
mine, not my employer's, and do not represent an official position of
IBM, or of STC, BayDUX, CHI, or any other organization of which I'm a
member or leader. The mistakes are mine, the rants are mine, the
foolishness is mine. I try to maintain a semblance of professionalism,
but when I wander from that goal it should reflect on me, and no one
else. If I have something to say in my capacity as an IBM employee,
I'll say so. Otherwise, this is just me spouting off. So there.
8:58:29 PM
I've been offline, at least via blog, for a week or so, due largely to
the Win2K box blowing up for the second time in six months. It started
complaining, then quickly resorted to not just BSOD, but the dreaded
"stop" screen, saying it couldn't access the boot device--meaning dead
C: drive. I moaned and groaned for a few days, and decided I'm just not
going to sink more $$s into this box. Instead, I'm sinking my money
into a 20" iMac G5, which should arrive later this week. The iMac will
become my primary computer, for email, blog, and such, and the Windoze
box will be relegated to print server, fax machine, and whatever
functions I can perform only on Windows. Which will make this a
predominantly Apple household. Yep, I'm a switcher.
8:47:28 PM
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Last update: 6/1/05; 7:57:18 PM.
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