Tuesday, May 31, 2005
There's a photo of that Bush-as-Groucho poster on J-Walk's blog. Disappointing, tho. Looks more like Clark Gable to me--the moustache is all wrong for Groucho.
6:35:57 PM
Just when I was wondering how much longer we'd have to wait, "Deep Throat" is revealed:
Deep Throat: America Owes Gratitude. . . Now the Post has confirmed a Vanity Fair report that Mark Felt, then the number-two man at the FBI, is Deep Throat. And one of the great political and journalistic mysteries of the past half-century is out in the open air. Americans owe Felt a great deal. He helped save us from a corrupt government that was undermining the Constitution, and the republic itself. . . . [Dan Gillmor's blog]
I'm glad that Felt (now 91) didn't have to die before we learned his identity. This might even help put closure on the entire sordid episode for me. I have vivid memories of watching the impeachment hearings, and of the impassioned speeches, especially by Barbara Jordan. Peter Rodino, chair of the impeachment panel, recently died, and now we know who Deep Throat was. I wish it could be said that the vile behavior of Nixon and his gang will never be repeated; some people never learn.
6:32:00 PM
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