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Electronic Freedom Foundation



  Friday, May 27, 2005

Must. . . have. . . Feynman. . . stamp:
Scientist stamps. David Pescovitz: FeynmanstampThis month, the US Postal Service issued postage stamps honoring four American scientists. The group includes mathematician/computer pioneer John von Neumann, physical chemist Josiah Willard Gibbs, geneticist Barbara McClintock, and physicist Richard Feynman. Link

[Boing Boing]
Tha last stamp that I made a point of buying and saving was the Duke Kahanamoku memorial about four years ago. A full sheet is safely tucked away in a book about Hawaiian shirts. Duke famously surfed at Steamer's Lane in Santa Cruz on a redwood long board, so he's a local legend.
7:01:26 PM    Questions? Comments? Flames? []

My favorite podcast client just got better; it looks pretty spiffy, although I don't know that I'll use all the new features. Fact is, there are now way too many podcasts to even think about absorbing.
Mac: iPodderX 3.0 released. iPodderX 3.0 is the latest version of the podcast client for Mac OS X. The new version turns the application into more than just a podcast catcher and organizer—it’s now a full media aggregator with options for text-based news, images, movies, audio and more. . . [iPodlounge]

5:43:27 PM    Questions? Comments? Flames? []

Sounds hilarious, but there's no picture:
Bush-as-Groucho posters spark furor at high school. Posters that depicted President Bush with a Groucho Marx-style mustache and cigar were ordered torn down at a high school after ... [ Offbeat - Top Stories]

3:48:54 PM    Questions? Comments? Flames? []

Cult of Mac, a step too far:
Krishnas vs Mac cultists toon. Cory Doctorow:

This Joy of Tech strip made me chuckle -- Hare Krishnas telling of iPod-bearing Mac cultists for singing and dancing on their pitch.


(Thanks, Robert!) [Boing Boing]

4:33:08 AM    Questions? Comments? Flames? []

Dave Heller, leading geek at IxDG and CHI2005 DevCon participant, has a few things to say about switching from PC to Mac from the perspective of someone actually trying to do design work:
Switching to the Mac from PC. Just wanted to point people to the article I wrote for OK-Cancel and the accompanying comic. [--Engage! - Interaction Design]

I can't argue with much of Dave's complaints, partly because I don't use my Macs for business productivity applications), and partly because his experience is, well, his experience. I would suggest that there are many, many third-party vendors of way-cool and even useful add-ons, so I don't quite get the claim that there aren't. And little things: Dave insists that the keyboard should tilt, but doesn't say which direction! For my wrists, I have to tilt the keyboard away from me; my keyboard try at the office is tilted so much that the mouse routinely slides off.

Oh, and the OK/Cancel server wouldn't serve up the associated comic, so I can't comment on that ;-).

4:23:25 AM    Questions? Comments? Flames? []

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