Saturday, June 4, 2005
So why am I now complaining about the Mac? Well, it appears that either Tiger (10.4) was not quite ready for prime time when it was released, or there wasn't enough communication with developers, or both, or something else. Apple apps crash. I got iSync talking to my Handspring Visor one day, now it flat refuses to connect and sync. Palm says, "Oh, we're working on an upgrade for Tiger, but don't hold your breath." Perfectly good printer configs stop responding. I had to perform the secret handshake with CUPS (the background Windows printer tool) to get the printer connections right, wasting hours, after performing a different printer configuration dance on the eMac downstairs (after upgrading to Tiger). Not fun.
And yet, I'm still enjoying this lovely piece of art called the iMac. I just hope this isn't the model that got the melting motherboard. . .
10:31:28 PM
"Imagine if every Thursday your shoes exploded if you tied them the usual way. This happens to us all the time with computers, and nobody thinks of complaining."
Jef Raskin. [Quotes of the Day]
Actually, I think more and more people are complaining. That's why I moved to Mac. And now I'm complaining about that, too. (More later. . .)
8:41:52 AM
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