Tuesday, June 7, 2005
"Things are more like they are now than they have ever been." Gerald R. Ford. [Quotes of the Day]
For several years now I've been attributing this amazing quotation to another eminent Republican rhetorician, Dan Quayle. Silly me, it was really Gerald Ford!
8:17:00 PM
Farewell to Anne Bancroft, who will forever be Mrs. Robinson to a generation. She still looked luscious a few years ago opposite Sigourney Weaver in Heartbreakers. My sincerest condolences to her husband, Mel Brooks, one of the funniest men to ever make a movie.
Anne Bancroft, Actress Who Played Mrs. Robinson, Is Dead at 73. Anne Bancroft is enshrined in film history as the iconic Mrs. Robinson, the seductress who devours her daughter's boyfriend-to-be in "The Graduate." By By ROBERT BERKVIST. [NYT > Home Page]
7:46:38 PM
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