Monday, June 13, 2005
Now this might come in handy; it's clearly worth bookmarking, just in case:
EFF legal guide for bloggers. Cory Doctorow:
EFF has released a long, comprehensive, accessible guide to the law and blogging, aimed at bloggers who are worried about protecting their sources' anonymity, about libel, about copyright and trademark infringement claims, and all the other legal risks that might stop a blogger from saying her piece. . .
(Thanks, Donna!) [Boing Boing]
The EFF is an organization that's doing good work defending our freedom. Send them some money; I do.
7:09:26 PM
"Turn the world over on its side and everything loose will land in Los Angeles." Frank Lloyd Wright. [Quotes of the Day]
Used to be true, maybe in Frank's day. Not any more. There's no more room in Los Angeles; it's full. Now all the loose screws end up in Washington, D.C.
7:06:32 PM
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