Friday, June 24, 2005
Cory asks us to choose between two options in evaluating California Senator Dianne Feinstein's stance on the Broadcast Flag and other things digital:
Dianne Feinstein on the Broadcast Flag: Idiot or liar?. Cory Doctorow:
Senator Dianne Feinstein wrote back to constituents who complained about the Broadcast Flag with this amazing, disingenuous note. . . [see BoingBoing for the complete quotation and Cory's dissection thereof]. . .
This leaves us with only one question: is DiFi stupid, or is she a liar? Either way, Feinstein should be ashamed of herself.
(Thanks, Mark!) [Boing Boing]
First, I'm hurt that Dianne hasn't responded yet to my note on the subject, although my hopes are not high for anything actually relevant.
Second, Feinstein may be neither idiot nor liar; I think she's simply in Hollywood's pocket, and believes the twaddle she's dispensing. Personally, I gave up on her several years ago. She needs to be replaced.
10:54:25 PM
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