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Electronic Freedom Foundation



  Monday, June 6, 2005

Another persistent rumor has Adobe abandoning FrameMaker. Then what's the point of a three-day love-in?
FrameMaker 2005 Chautauqua: The Future of Adobe FrameMaker - Beyond 7.1. The FrameMaker 2005 Chautauqua is coming to Raleigh, NC USA, November 7-9, 2005. Adobe Systems Incorporated (NASDAQ: ADBE) is well represented as Karl Matthews and Michael Hu discuss the future of AdobeR FrameMaker. . . and learn where this dynamic and vibrant product is heading. [The Content Wrangler]
Of course, there's no FrameMaker for Mac now. Wonder if that will change. . .
8:51:14 PM    Questions? Comments? Flames? []

Fast Company's June issue, focused entirely on design, is now online:
The Masters of Design. [Fast Company]

8:21:48 PM    Questions? Comments? Flames? []

I'm sure you have plenty of good reasons for switching (irony intended) to Intel chips. And even though I'm an IBM employee, it doesn't really hurt my feelings that you're turning your back on Big Blue; the chip business doesn't really impact my end of things.

But let me tell you why I switched to Mac. It's not just because I'm sick of Windows and all its shenanigans. It's about Intel, too. You see, this Win2K box over here is the third incarnation of the box I bought 3-1/2 years ago. The first incarnation crashed big time, and the problem was determined to be the Intel motherboard. Not Windows. Not the chip. The motherboard. Then, just a few months ago, it crashed big again. Trashed the hard drive. The latest reincarnation contains one of the old hard drives and the old CD and DVD drives. That's all that's left: new motherboard, new chip, new RAM, new box and power supply. Phooey.

I bought my PowerBook two years ago because I needed a reliable, portable backup. And it has been reliable. I bought my new iMac because I need a reliable desktop. I have lost faith in Windows, and I have lost faith in Intel. So look out. You've been warned.
8:09:08 PM    Questions? Comments? Flames? []

Just a short note acknowledging that today is June 6, the 61st anniversary of D-Day, the Allied invasion of Europe. An actual war of liberation.
7:48:00 PM    Questions? Comments? Flames? []

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