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"give me a better idiot"


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  Sunday, November 6, 2005

Jared Spool gave a record-breaking presentation during the first panel session at DUX Friday morning, which became known as the "protest presentation":
Goldilocks Content Framework: DUX 2005 Submission. Yesterday, Jared gave a presentation at the DUX 2005 conference on our work establishing a framework for determining what content should be on the site. . . Continue Reading... [UIE Brain Sparks]
And Jared has some thoughts on Bill Irwin's plenary act:
Bill Irwin's Unknowing Insight on Context. Clown/Actor Bill Irwin triggers Jared into thinking seriously about the importance of Context in design. . . Continue Reading... [UIE Brain Sparks]
Irwin's accomplishments are many, and everyone enjoyed his talk and demonstration Thursday night. Worthy of note: Bill is "Mr. Noodle" on Sesame Street, a character my kids enjoy, so of course I had to shake his hand later that evening. Subsequently I realized that he played a character--"Pickles"--in a memorable episode of "Third Rock From the Sun." Pickles was a dog; or a human who thought he was a dog; or an alien who took the form of a human who thought he was a dog. In any case, Irwin's characterization was so full of dogness that I remember it clearly seven years later. He had all the mannerisms down. It was amazing.
8:16:21 PM    Questions? Comments? Flames? []

Anecdotally, I was hearing about significant recruiting efforts by some of the big names. I even heard the words "It's like 1999 all over again!" Shudder!
User Experience Design Job Market. Steve Portigal sums up the San Francisco bay area job market in two pictures: Resumes and Job Opportunities. Preston Smalley tells the same story with a graph.... Article Continues [Functioning Form: Interface Design]

7:53:20 PM    Questions? Comments? Flames? []

I'm sure there are more blog entries out there about World Usability Day (last Thursday), but these are the two in my aggregator right now:
Usability Events around the World. Today is the first World Usability Day! The map tells a truly amazing story...... [Bloug]

World Usability Day is over. World Usability Day was a big success! . . . Press coverage was more than I expected and now we wait for the stories from each event to roll in. [Keith Instone's site - IA, UX, Toledo, IBM, and less.]

Locally, BayDUX acknowledged World Usability Day by sponsoring the opening reception at DUX. Despite the rain that night, the event was a roaring success so far as I could tell.

And from a personal perspective, I certainly support World Usability Day. I don't find the world very usable at all, so anything we can do to improve world usability is clearly worthwhile.
7:41:12 PM    Questions? Comments? Flames? []

Some teaser links to DUX reportage and commentary:
emoto emotional messages. (infosthetics @ dux 2005) enhancements of mobile phone text messages to convey emotional expressivity through 'cues of familarity'. . . []

sensechair. (infosthetics @ dux 2005) a chair as an expressive agent, that uses ambient lights, sounds & vibration patterns to alert people sitting in the chair when they sit in an ergonomically incorrect position. . . []

gist graphical identity support. (infosthetics @ dux 2005) a new method of analyzing the visual appearance of websites. . . [] [information aesthetics]
6:56:54 PM    Questions? Comments? Flames? []

Just got home from DUX 2005, exhausted. Started making notes for a write-up this morning, but it will have to wait for a second-wind. It was a great conference, lots of positive comments, talk about when/where/who to do it next. More later.
3:43:33 PM    Questions? Comments? Flames? []

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Last update: 12/5/05; 6:57:11 PM.

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