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  Monday, November 7, 2005

LukeW has a few words about the DUX experience:
DUX 2005 & Design Vision. I walked away from the Designing for User Experience Conference (DUX 05) in San Francisco November 4-5th with the sense that User Experience Design, its methodologies, and terminology are now well established within many companies. There was a large amount of consistency across a wide range of speakers: they did ethnographic studies, they made wireframes, they ran usability tests, they had interaction designers in house, and so on down the line. . .Article Continues [Functioning Form: Interface Design]
Luke mentions the closing plenary presentation by Dr. Edward Tenner, author of Why Things Bite Back: Technology and the Revenge of Unintended Consequences. I read Tenner's book when it was published nine years ago. It's fascinating and absorbing, and I hoped that he would write another three volumes—it's that good, and I was convinced there were that many more stories. I got to meet Tenner on Saturday afternoon. He revealed that his next book is on the same topic, but looking at positive outcomes of unintended consequences; he admitted that they were more difficult to find than the negative outcomes. And he was kind enough to autograph my old hardback copy of WTBB. I also picked up his interim tome, Our Own Devices: How Technology Remakes Humanity at the conference bookstore.

Rashmi also checks in with her thoughts on the frequent appearance of ethnographic research at DUX:

If its ethnography, its gotta be right: reflections on DUX 05. This thought came back to me again and again during the DUX conference that I just got back from. Many speakers told us about the "ethnographic research" they conducted. . . [Rashmi's Blog]
Funny, she doesn't mention the occurrence of references to "SWAT ethnography" that popped up during the conference.
7:47:08 PM    Questions? Comments? Flames? []

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