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"give me a better idiot"


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  Sunday, November 27, 2005

". . . but not simpler."

Which is one variant of a famous quotation from our friend, Albert Einstein.

Some provocative thinking on simplicity has recently come to my attention:

The Subtlety Of Simplicity. Linda Tischler's article on simplicity for Fast Company is now visible online. Everyone wants more; everyone wants less. And everyone can't make up their mind... [Maeda's SIMPLICITY]

John Maeda's Simplicity blog is well on its way to listing 16 principles for simplicity. The first 11 are well worth consideration.

Peter Merholz and Jason Fried exchange some more thinking on simplicity. And then Peter mentions the idea that using RSS feeds reduces dependence on direct interaction with media. Which sounds l ike another angle on simplifying my life, which I clearly need.

I think this is major.. Chris Anderson, Editor-in-Chief of the once-again relevant Wired magazine, writes on his blog that he very rarely engages in mainstream media directly, instead utilizing RSS and the blogosphere as a set of editors to point him to what is relevant... []

Yes, I recently realized that I rarely read online news sources directly, instead using their RSS feeds and pointers from respected bloggers to keep me informed. I read one daily newspaper in hardcopy, and two weekly news magazines (soon to be one). And I never watch the news on television, unless there's something Really Big that I want to see live. But life could be a whole lot simpler.
11:35:20 AM    Questions? Comments? Flames? []

Back in July I commented on rogue waves and touched on the story of Sorcery's 1976 adventure in the North Pacific. Captain John Wampler, USCG, a member of the crew of the cutter (USCGC Mellon) that rescued Sorcery and crew, entered a detailed comment about the event. There's another account by one of Sorcery's crew, Aulan Fitzpatrick, here.
10:52:02 AM    Questions? Comments? Flames? []

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