Day 1.
Departure from Loctudy: 12 AM
Arrival in Audierne: 6:30 PM
Conditions: Wind force 2-3, residual swell 6-8 ft, increasing fog, visibility on arrival of about 100 yards.
First day at sea, and sure enough, it did not dissapoint! Our departure was a little later than planned, with trying to find a block of ice for the ice box... apparently the summer season has not started yet, so nobody had any ice.Had to make do with some frozen spinach & peas... The weather was cloudy all day, the sun hidden by low clouds and an incoming fog. Soon after setting off, we were greeted by a residual swell from previous weather; big slow waves about 6-8 ft high. After about two hours, we were greeted by a flock of dolphins - probably about 30 or 40. 2 of them came to play with our bow... Talk about a way to start!

We kept the engine going all day today - the wind would never of gotten us to Audierne in time, plus looking back, we would of been stuck in the fog. The crossing was easy, although both of us were careful not to spend too much time down below - it will take a few days before I can do that without feeling a little sea-sick.
The main event today was the fog. Arriving in Audierne was quite surreal: we heard the buoys before we saw them, and when we did, they were less than 100 yards away. The following was a fishing boat that overtook us as we came in.

Now off to get some grub!
7:56:23 PM