a travel log
From France to Scotland by sea.
Sunday, June 16, 2002 |
I'm still learning to use the software to make this site, so as you can see there are some little chronology problems below... hopefully I'll get this ironed out. Still can't update the site from my cell phone, so today I used a pay phone.
6:05:34 PM
Today is a day off; uncertain weather made me decide to spend the day in Brest - as it turns out today would of been a beautiful day to sail - most sun I've had in this part of Brittany for the last 12 days, and a nice steady wind. Spent the day visiting Oceanopolis, a conservation/aquarium center, and the Museum of the French Navy (Musée de la Marine), that lives inside a large fort; it's most early foundations date back to the Romans. The plan is to take off early tomorrow morning, and sail around the northern tip of Brittany; this should take me to more sheltered waters, and get me closer to the crossing point to England (via Guernsey)
4:11:49 PM
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