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Wednesday, July 07, 2004 |
Monkeytime says the Greensboro sit-ins are not devalued by the belated recognition of earlier sit-ins in Lexington, KY. Well, duh. The point of Greensboro was not inventing the sit-in as a form of Civil Rights protest, but the scale and success of the undertaking, and the attention it generated. 9:45:48 AM ![]() |
The NYT's what-they-think-about-Edwards-in-NC article opens at the Brown-Gardiner lunch counter, a Greensboro landmark. Hope the reporter tried the lemonade. 9:26:55 AM ![]() |
A profile of Elizabeth Edwards in the Charlotte Observer. Searches for her name brought a spike in traffic to this blog yesterday -- I hope she'll continue to visit and comment as the campaign goes on. 9:05:23 AM ![]() |
"The state is in play here for the first time in a long time," says pollster Tim Vercellotti to the N&R about North Carolina and the presidential race. Matt Williams rounds up opinions on the Edwards effect in his home state. From the lead editorial: "John Kerry had one of his best days as a presidential candidate Tuesday. His newly announced running mate, John Edwards, adds excitement and vitality to the Democratic ticket." The Charlotte Observer is happy with the choice ("The Post got it wrong. Sen. Kerry got it right."), but doubts it will make much difference in NC: "John Edwards probably won't do much to sway southern states, North Carolina among them, that have been steadfastly Republican for many years." Underestimate Edwards at your own peril. I'm hearing a lot of whistling past the graveyard from Republicans, but I suspect they know this is not good news for their guy. Edwards is a quick study -- he was much better by the end of the nomination campaign than he was at the start -- and he should master his new role in plenty of time to make a difference. The long, thoughtful N&O editorial highlights his charisma, and I think the Raleigh paper is on the money. Edwards' talent for connecting with voters is prodigious. It helps that of the four candidates atop the two major-party tickets he most closely resembles an actual person. Well, he’s prettier than most actual people, but he profiles more normal than the two bluebloods or Dr. Strangelove. Veeps don't decide elections. But this one can do as much as his position allows. 9:02:15 AM ![]() |
The New York Post produces a classic cover to follow its Gephardt-for-VP blunder -- identical to yesterday's, but with correct info and a couple of self-mocking additions. Inside, a duly abject apology. 8:12:08 AM ![]() |