Updated: 11/26/09; 9:24:58 AM.
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"THE FOCUS OF DIGITAL MEDIA" - Gary Santoro and Mediaburn.net

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Saturday, September 13, 2003

Mark Twain - A Step or Two Ahead of the Pack
Mark Twain. "Whenever you find that you are on the side of the majority, it is time to reform." [Quotes of the Day]
11:12:52 PM    

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Seattle Vibes
Seattle Flash Mob Reports.

Reports are beginning to come in from this morning's flash mob. Joe Goldberg writes:

I just got back from the Space Needle flash mob, it was unbelievable. I am so pumped about Dean right now! A friend and I decided to take it to the next level and dress up like a track coach and triathlete, respectively, and get the crowd pumped up. The energy level was so high, we were sprinting in circles around the Space Needle entrance, waiving Dean signs and blowing whistles. At about 10:33, everyone circled around the water fountain in front of the Needle. We did a practice jump for a few seconds, and then the tension set in. Then at 10:35, we did the real thing, with cameras

About 50 people were jumping and shouting and having a blast. By 10:40, we were gone, leaving nothing but camera crews and tourists with confused and astonished looks on their faces. I can't imagine a cause other than Dean that could pull this off! It was great!

A sample from one photo report:

Dean Flash Mob at the Space Needle

Continue reading for more reports and photos, and post your reports in the comments below.

[Blog for America]
11:04:56 PM    

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Howard Dean on New HBO Series 'K Street' This Sunday Night
Begala and Carville: Dean on K Street.

Hey, bloggers. This is Paul Begala and James Carville (Paul's on the keyboard, James is on the phone. He's not the most computer literate guy in the world.)

We just wanted to let you know about K Street - a new series debuting on HBO Sunday night at 10:35 eastern. This isn't a commercial, though. We wanted to let you know that your man, Howard Dean, is our featured guest star.

The show, like Gov. Dean, is completely unscripted. Not to give the plot away, but James plays a political consultant/lobbyist who volunteers to prepare Gov. Dean for the Congressional Black Caucus debate. This thoroughly pisses-off his Republican wife, Mary Matalin. So he recruits Paul to help out.

In a gutsy and unconventional move, Gov. Dean agreed not only to appear on the program (as do various Republican Senators) but also to let James and Paul do debate prep with him - as Steven Soderbergh, George Clooney and others filmed it. The prep was real - we did it on Monday in anticipation of the CBC debate on Tuesday. We offered him our best and most honest advice. Like any smart person, he took some of it, rejected some of it, and modified some of it.

Because of our "Crossfire" gig, we can't play favorites. We've given advice to every major presidential candidate. But if you like Dean, you'll like him on K Street. He was very funny - did an impression of James that is spot-on. He was also very real. He forgot about the cameras (they're small and the camera operators are very unobtrusive) and the result is an authentic behind-the-scenes look at Gov. Dean preparing for the debate. We offered the governor a few lines, just as we always did for President Clinton. He used one of them - and we hope he uses them all as the campaign progresses.

Again, while we can't and won't endorse anyone in the primaries, both of us were impressed with Gov. Dean and his campaign. They took a big chance, and we think it pays off. Millions of people who never watch "Crossfire" or "Meet the Press" will see Gov. Dean on HBO Sunday night. They'll see an unvarnished, unscripted, plain-speaking guy who really wants to take the fight to President Bush. In a world in which too many politicians are seen as phonies, Gov. Dean comes across as the real thing. What you see is what you get.

We had fun, and hope Gov. Dean did. K Street is groundbreaking television--part fiction, part reality show, part documentary. We hope you like the show. We know you'll like how your candidate did.

Paul Begala and James Carville

[Blog for America]
2:43:49 PM    

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Chris Lydon Interviews Matt Gross

Chris Lydon interviews Howard Dean's chief blogger, Matt Gross.

Lydon throws in this piece of advice: "Get to know him before you need him." Too late for the other Democratic presidential candidates, who are playing catch-up, but wise counsel for other aspirants to public office.

2:33:08 PM    

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From OnFocus.com
WIRED blogs. According to Bruce Sterling on his (now) old blog, Wired is starting up some sort of blogging venture and he'll be moving his weblog there to help out. Keep an eye on http://blog.wired.com/ (not active yet). [onfocus.com]
12:05:38 PM    

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Novak on Republican Instability
"Pollster John Zogby calls this a 50-50 country and Bush a 50-50 presidency. Given those odds, arrogance and deception are too great a burden at either the White House or Pentagon." - Columnist Robert Novak.

Novak: Republicans eying the lifeboats. From what conservative columnist Robert Novak is saying, Republican disillusion and disappointment with the administration, already discussed here, is continuing to broaden and rise. Some highlights: "What the hell is going on with this supplemental (appropriations bill)?" said Sen. Jim... [Blog Graham]
12:01:15 PM    

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A picture named schoff1.jpgJust for Fun. Ahh - the look on the face of the Bishop Information Minister when I told him he's fired! Brilliant. But I'm sure he'll be back... [The Cartoonist]
11:50:58 AM    

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nouveaumatic - New from Ottmar Liebert
The new release from Ottmar Liebert is available here.

nouveaumatic. The new album, and the first one to be available only at concerts or from our web site, has been officially released today. The first trilogy is now complete:

1. In the Arms of Love: Lullabies 4 Children + Adults was released last year and is an OL solo recording - blue field at the top of the cover and blue CD.

2. The Santa Fe Sessions was released early this Summer and is a Nouveau Flamenco recording with the Luna Negra band - red field at the top of the cover and red CD.

3. nouveaumatic is a Ottmar Liebert's Euphoria release of remixes that reflect upon the preceding two albums - as the original Euphoria CD in 1995 reworked songs from The Hours between Night + Day. This new album has a grey field at the top and a grey CD.

Eventually we will make this color-coding more clear on our ordering pages, but things are a little hectic around here because we are leaving for over six weeks on Sunday morning. Boy, do I hate packing! Anyway, nouveaumatic contains 3 remixes of songs from In the Arms of Love and 7 remixes of songs from The Santa Fe Sessions. A lullaby really changes a lot in character when you add a groovy drum beat!!! Onwards toward the second trilogy! [Ottmar Liebert]
12:52:42 AM    

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Via OL Blog
Nice Reverb in here.... A picture named OLbathroom.jpg [Ottmar Liebert]
12:42:52 AM    

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Pyra / Blogger: The iMac Movie
Coolio Pyra video found......

Video communication.  Lost video found.  More relevant now.

In the Beginning: A video on Weblogs History




[Marc's Voice]
12:39:34 AM    

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