Wednesday, October 23, 2002 |
Voter Registration Search
Utah County has created a nice clean application that allows users to check their voter registration status. As a precinct chair, I was surprised how many people were unaware of their registration status. By entering your name, you can access all your voter information, your voting district information, polling location, as well as a map of the district and the polling location. Now, a precinct chair could take a laptop with wireless access to precinct meetings and immediately tell voters what their status is. Utah also has a very nice online voter registration system. Using the same principle, parties could have their voters register during the precinct meetings rather than handing out the forms and trying to make sure they get back to the county.
The county has an excellent GIS section which publishes a variety of resources, including the 2002 Utah County Atlas and their Real Time Parcel Viewer.
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OASIS forms eGov Technical Committee
A new OASIS technical committee is being formed. The OASIS e-Gov Technical Committee (e-Gov TC) has been proposed by the following members of OASIS: John Borras, UK Office of e-Envoy; Jouko Salonen, Republica; Marion Royal, U.S. GSA; Donald W. Upson, WebMethods; and Sinisa Zimek, SAP.
The goals of the TC are:
- to provide a forum for Governments internationally to voice their needs and requirements with respect to XML-based standards which can be handed off to relevant OASIS TCs (if they exist) or cause the formation of TCs for needs that are not currently being addressed.
- to provide a mechanism for the creation of best practice documents relative to the adoption of OASIS specs/standards within Governments internationally
- to promote the adoption of OASIS specs/standards within Governments (include all bi-directional forms: G2G, G2B, G2C), which could include the creation of implementation-oriented pilot projects to involve
software vendors and participating government agencies to demonstrate the use of OASIS specs/standards.
- to work with other OASIS channels (e.g. XML.org for schema registry and/or information portal), act as a clearinghouse of information related to applicable specs/standards as well as activities and projects being conducted by Governments in the adoption of XML-based systems and standards.
The first meeting of the eGov Technical Committee will be held on December 13th.
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© Copyright 2003 David Fletcher.