Brian Sweeting, webmaster for the city of Spanish Fork, is proposing more cooperation among local governments to achieve goals associated with online government:
"My proposal is... found an "interlocal agreement agency dedicated to decreasing the costs of taxpayers and increasing quality of service for its citizens and businesses by deploying publicly owned advanced eGovernment services to all residents and businesses within member communities."
It's a great idea and with the right people working together it could really work well. Several years ago, I put together the Utah Intergovernmental IT Council. We did some interesting things, but I ran out of time to keep it going. It was sort of an extension of the cooperation we had during the Y2K transition, when every entity had their own Y2K coordinator. We have cooperation in some key areas like GIS where cities and counties have been major contributors to the State Geographic Information Database. Local governments are also key partners in our One-Stop Business Registration project and the Utah Wireless Integrated Network. Brian, the state actually has a contracted entity that could support your proposal, it is UII, a team with a great deal of expertise in egovernment. The contract is available to local governments and I'm sure that Al Sherwood, the contract administrator, would entertain new projects that supported a group of local governments working together.
Brian also mentions a nice article in the Daily Herald that summarizes egovernment services in Utah County. There's some good things happening there, as well as in Davis County, which is preparing to implement a new portal site.
By the way, check out the latest live views of construction on Capitol Hill. The two wing buildings are progressing nicely.
For several years, the Utah Telehealth Network was budgeted funds from the Capital Facilities and Administrative Services committee. Here is the result.
Don't miss the Danish Whitepaper on Enterprise Architecture. It's a great piece like about everything else John is involved with.
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