Three readers have requested a search feature. I gave up too easily, but the third request forced the issue. Give it a try and let me know what you think. I'm using one of the free services and don't have control over ads and other bad eye candy.
If you want to try something like this, register with a free search service (I'm using which is free for moderate use on sites under 500 pages - I may have to pony up money in less than a year and a half) and paste the html they give you into your page. That's all there is to it.
Speaking of eye candy I tried it on Chimera, Omniweb and Explorer. The first two are my primary browser choices and it was painful going to Explorer. It's page renders are sooo ugly by comparison. It is nice to have a bit of beauty wherever you can find it.
So how corrupt is your government? (a tip of the hat to Bjarne for the link)
So at least the US beat Chile by a hair... Note the variation in standard deviations.
While on the subject of corruption - here are a few quotes that show an astonishing disdain for the public...
"There's a high rate of cancer among my friends. It doesn't mean anything." Dr Francis Clifford Health Commissioner of Niagara County, NY responding to reports of a high incidence of cancer among residents of the neighborhood adjoining Love Canal, 1978
"For all we know, the federal limits could be six times too high" Dr Francis Clifford, 1978
"There is no major health problem in Niagara Falls." Bruce Davis Executive CP of the Hooker Chemical Company, 1978.
"When you come right down to it, you'd be hard pressed to find any group of people who care as much about the environmental well-being of Niagara Falls as the people of Hooker." Ad run by the Hooker Chemical Company, 1978
Approximately 80% of our air pollution stems from hydrocarbons released by vegetation. So let's not go overboard in setting and enforcing tough emissions standards for man-made sources." Ronald Reagan, September 1980.
Most digital cameras use Exif format to store exposure information and other goodness. Jim points out a utility to recover the information on your PC or Mac... useful stuff if you don't capture it already.
And now for something very different - another recommendation from a reader (thanks Greg)... Even if you dislike TV, constant repetition has wired theme songs deeper than you probably have imagined. See how many of these ring a bell (Dr. Who for example)
Dr Who - I haven't thought about the show in years. Campy BBC B grade scifi as only the BBC can do it. The show ran for a long long time and died something of a quiet death (apart from its fandom). This seems to be the mothersite and I can't claim to have spent more than ten minutes on it. Fans are probably well aware of it, but old friends should probably take a look.
Oh- least I forget - Tom Baker in my case.
I am way behind in catching up with New Scientist articles and came across news of the self organizing radio in Fernando's excellent blog (go ahead - use the search window). This is certainly an unexpected way to produce an oscillator! It is pure serendipity that the experimenters hadn't carefully shielded their equipment.
The New Scientist also has a nice page on the environment in honor of the world conference.
be sure and take the quiz - the weightings are quite interesting... (and much of it is very UK, of course)
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