The Crandall Surf Report 2.0
commentary on almost anything that seems interesting

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Saturday, September 21, 2002

Remember Silicon Film? (the idea was to put a ccd in the focal plane of a conventional 35mm camera)

They may be back from the dead.
12:13:14 PM    

There is quite a bit of news before next week's Photokina show. Reports of an 11 million pixel Canon camera surfaced a week ago and now we have news of the Foveon/Sigma camera. The big surprise is the low price.

Foveon is Carver Mead's company and it addresses several fundamental flaws of current digital camera sensors. We will have to see if he is successful. I can imagine better partners than Sigma.
12:08:46 PM    

Thanks to Fernando for mentioning NetNewsWire in Fresh Tracks.

This is an excellent program - as he points out it would be nice to have tighter integration with Radio.

Highly recommended - this is a keeper.
11:23:45 AM    

The New York Times Magazine has a must read featue on the neo conservatve influence that has conqured the White House.

I hope that none of you have children or grandchildren coming into draftable age over the next few years.
10:48:42 AM    

It isn't available online to non-subscribers, but last week's Science News (September 14, 2002) noted new research that shows a strong evidence that nicotine limits the function of a molecule that is essential for waking people and some animals. The authors suggest that nicotine may be a smoking gun in some types of sudden infant death syndrome when the mother smoked or used a nicotine path (and possibly was exposed to second hand smoke).
10:43:28 AM    

Scientific American has a piece on the Simputer online as well as in this month's issue. I don't know enough about computers and networks in the third world to even guess if this is a reasonable attempt. At least it is Microsoft free.
10:35:37 AM    

Fall is in the air and that can only mean that the Ig Nobel Prize awards are near.

Those of you who can make it to Cambridge, Mass. should get tickets now!
10:27:41 AM    

This strikes me as cute - nearly useless, but cute nonetheless.

iCal has been out for a week or two and several calendar sharing sites have appeared. iCalShare seems to be growing at a reasonable rate - something like 100 new calendars in the past week.

There is wonderful obscurity here. One expects the birthdays of famous people (oddly enough I found that I share the exact birthday with Isabella Rossilini), but there are calendars devoted to Dr Who, Iron Chef, school holidays in Saxony, bible reading schedules, pagan holiday, Cher's tour schedule and even more obscure dates.
10:23:50 AM    

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