The Crandall Surf Report 2.0
commentary on almost anything that seems interesting

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Friday, September 13, 2002

I don't sleep much (maybe five hours a night) and found this disturbing.

So do you get enough sleep?
6:26:43 AM    

Speaking about health risks, Levi Strauss is going to market a line of trousers with a shielded cell phone pocket.

I can't see any danger from the towers, but I certainly don't feel that a one watt uhf transmitter a few cm from your brain and eyes is a positive thing. If one does a proper risk analysis the danger is way in the noise, but it gives me an excuse not to have a cellphone.
6:26:17 AM    

Dan Bricklin weighs in on music sales and the RIAA

My favorite part is when he notes that the RIAA is going after the wrong peer to peer system - they should be going after cellphones as this may be negatively impacting CD sales than mp3...

My socially impractical suggestion for the day (yesterday dealt with Microsoft's monopoly) is for music consumers to buy fifty percent of their CDs from a used CD store trading in what they aren't using to support the purchases. Not only will they end up with much more music per dollar, they will be making a statement to a very serious middleman.

I have the sense that the recording industry never got over being angry with radio.
6:25:52 AM    

There is a certain joy to building your own toys - someone pointed out this site a few years ago and I put together the little linear accelerator one Winter day. If you have kids, this will really impress them.

The curie effect heat enigine is also a sweet little project. Hunting around in this site will yield more than a few treasures.
6:25:19 AM    

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